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Second Night Passover Seder

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 15 Nisan 5784

6:30 PM - 9:30 PMRiverdale Temple Ballroom

Riverdale Temple is proud to continue its joyous tradition of offering theSecond Night Passover Seder, to be held on Tuesday, April 23 at 6:30 p.m. The Seder will be led by Rabbi Thomas Gardner.

Please join us in the Ballroom for this memorable event! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors, too! Riverdale Temple will provide everything for the Seder, including wine, Haggadah, and a delicious dinner catered by Liebman’s Deli. Please don’t spend Passover alone. Share this time-honored festive experience without doing all the planning and all the cooking! Rabbi Gardner’s Seder leadership and heart-warming storytelling will not disappoint!

Reservations and payments must be made in advance and receivedno later than the hard deadline of Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

If you have questions, please call the temple at 718-548-3800, ext. 1.You may also email questions to indicate ‘Passover Seder’ in the email subject line.

Note: If you wish to pay by check, once you have selected the total number of persons attending, under Payment Method please choose ‘Bill to my account’. Then, mail or bring in your check to the temple office, with ‘Passover Second Night Seder’ on the memo line.

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Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785