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The Chavurah will meet following the Saturday Service and Communal Lunch

Saturday, March 15, 2025 15 Adar 5785

All DayRiverdale Temple Ballroom

The Chavurah will meet on March 15, following the Shabbat service and communal lunch. We will be reading the Torah portion Ki Tisa. In this portion, Moses ascends Mount Sinai and stays for 40 days, where he receives two stone tablets inscribed by Adonai.

Meanwhile, down below, the Israelites convince Aaron to build a golden calf. When Moses descends and sees this, he becomes apoplectic and drops the tablets to the ground, where they shatter, and Adonai brings on a plague. Join us for a stimulating discussion of this cinematic parashah.

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Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785