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Riverdale Temple Nursery School News

December 2024

This past month we have been learning about family and what makes each of our families unique, and all about what it means to be kind. As the children prepared for Thanksgiving, they were busy baking for our grade-level Friendsgiving feast, which they shared with one another.

It is very nice to see all the children doing such kind things for one another.

On November 12, our Pre-K children had the honor of welcoming 11 families from Kibbutz Alumim, who were attacked on October 7. The Riverdale community hosted the families for a special week of connection, made possible through Project 24. Our amazing children made signs and snacks to welcome them as they got off the bus in our parking lot to meet their host family. What a special afternoon this was.

We have had many exciting events in November, including our challah bake and Havdalah pajama party. Our challah bake raised money for the widows and orphans in Israel who have been affected by the war. For Havdalah night, we had more than 100 people join in the ballroom to say Havdalah and enjoy an ice cream party, all while wearing pajamas, of course!

Our Pre-K classes had their annual 5 Senses Fair on November 25. All parents and caregivers were invited to this event, where their children could show off everything they learned during their 5 Senses unit.

Our 2s tours for the 2025–2026 school year are well underway, and we are filling up fast. If you have any friends or family members who are interested in sending their two-year-olds to RTNS next school year, please have them schedule a tour by emailing

Alexandra Abikzer

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785